Rigorous demands on transport networks require resilient products to maintain reliable journey times and positive user experiences. To achieve this, transport infrastructure must ensure optimal performance at all times; from accurate energy efficient photocells, to integrated power distribution cabinets, Lucy Zodion can match the requirements of even the most complex projects.
Power Distribution for Transport & Infrastructure
Roads are the most popular method of transport in the UK, with the majority of journeys made by car or van. There are approximately 2,300 miles of motorway, 5,300 miles of trunk ‘A’ roads and 23,800 miles of principal ‘A’ roads, all of which help carry 90% of passenger journeys each year. Therefore it is vital that routes remain clear and in use to ensure motorists stay mobile and safe on the road.
For every road, dual carriageway and motorway network there sits an intricate infrastructure of streetlights, helping to keep routes illuminated and drivers visible to one another. Therefore, constant power is vital to ensure users remain guided on their journey. Whether powering lighting networks on major UK motorways, or traffic light controls throughout residential areas, power distribution enclosures are the perfect solution that guard electrical components within, while protecting the public from the potentially dangerous currents they enclose.