Tomorrow’s cities will be more than smart; they will be responsive to the needs of the community in a real-time and relevant way. They will use insights that have been gathered from various urban assets to shape the way public services are enhanced, in order to respond to actual citizen requirements.
Smart solutions for connected communities
Smart cities use technology to improve the quality of life for citizens. Responsive cities do more – they put citizens in control. For solutions to match the individual requirements of cities and their citizens, joined-up and connected working is required. City leaders are now working alongside their public and collaborative technical partners to develop a solution that meets their unique requirements; smart streetlights are a good place to start.
Local Authorities are fighting a constant battle between meeting efficiency requirements and working to the constraints of stringent budgets. The need for the installation of additional street furniture can be reduced by products that have forward compatibility with lamp post infrastructure; these have a great benefit to councils by way of a low initial outlay. From air quality sensors to EV charging, the possibilities can soon become a reality for those cities that believe in the power of the ‘humble lamppost’.

Street lighting control and power distribution hardware
Intelligent street lighting and smart city solutions